The fear of Work Experience

The fear of Work Experience
Introduction by David Hankinson, Head of Copy
Remember how you felt when you first crossed the threshold into the world of work? This might bring it all back. It’s the viewpoint of 15-year-old Lewis Butterworth who’s just completed a week of work experience here at LAW Creative…
“We all have to do it, there’s no evading it. We all have to step out of our safe house and venture into the unknown world of offices and work. We have to pry ourselves away from the Maths and English we have grown so close to, and press the buzzer…
The buzzer, do I press it once? Hold it down? Does it require a fingerprint? I went to ask Sir but realised I was on my own now; no help was coming as I stood before the tower of offices. I pressed it, waited, pressed it again and as no reply came, the sweat started to work its way down my forehead.
“Hello this is LAW Creative”
I froze as the voice spoke. I slowly replied that I was here for work experience and tensely waited. The doors opened to my right and I walked nervously through, up the stairs and to the door. This was it, I was about to enter the room of tall men and strict women who would have a list of tasks for me to see to. I smoothed my shirt and knocked on the door.
It creaked open, inch by inch as I stood straight and tried to look confident.
To my surprise, the man who answered was friendly? Friendly?! I took in my surroundings inside the office and saw bright windows and beaming smiles from all around. I was introduced to many people who welcomed me to LAW Creative and briefed me on what the company do and how I can participate.
Throughout the week I grew more and more comfortable with the surrounding equipment and people and ended up having a brilliant time.
During my work experience yes I learnt a great deal about advertising, film producing and technology due to LAW Creative being very helpful and inviting, however, I also learnt to have confidence with meeting new people and doing new experiences because it is probably not as scary as it may seem.
I advise anyone with upcoming work experience to have confidence and don’t shy away from it. Apply yourself to the tasks assigned and don’t be afraid to ask about any questions or queries you may have.”