Radio Frequency Fashion

Radio Frequency Fashion

Design sites are abuzz with excitement over the launch of the new Burberry flagship store in Regent’s Street this coming weekend. This is the face of shopping in the future where our sales assistants are armed with iPads with our entire brand shopping history and we have ‘digital takeovers’ as part of our in store experience.  Awesome features including radio-frequency identification technology woven into fabrics which will change mirrors into screens via proximity (where you can see the very item you are trying on, on the catwalk), and apparently the largest screen in a retail space in the world.

Burberry have long led the way in their customer’s social media experience whilst embracing true craftsmanship; indeed it took craftsman over two years to create the new retail space.

The brand has really pushed the boundaries of possibility and I for one will be heading in for a look!

A truly great British brand.

Go to Burberry